Literally since we've had covid tests, you can find covid anywhere you test for it. Differing testing rules between the vaxxed/unvaxxed (or masked/unmasked as here) have been ignored this entire time. If I have to take a test twice a week to go to work but my vaxxed coworkers never have to test, guess who's more likely to get back a positive covid test?

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There was a study done of background respiratory virus (adenovirus, the earlier coronaviruses, etc.) levels in New York City in maybe 2014. It found something like a 7% positive test rate for everyone in the study. I believe all those people were nonsymptomatic.

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Thank you, Emily, for synthesizing, summarizing and analyzing the data which underlie these studies. It is exhausting to have to check every single thing the CDC Clown Machine spits out, so it is excellent to have indefatigable warriors like you on the front line!

I once believed that Federal entities like the CDC could be "reformed" to make them into actual stewards of objective, empirical data and disseminators of real, fact-based knowledge and recommendations based on those data. Alas, I think the rot is too deep. How can ANYONE still keep trying to push the lies around mask kabuki?

The damned CDC is still in court trying to get their temper tantrum about masks on airplanes reinstated. The American people have noticed that since the idiocy about masks being removed, millions of people are not falling dead from the Wuhan Virus after flying. The petty child tyrant north of our border Justin Trudeau is still enforcing his foot-stamping dictates, with the absurdity that if one flies from New York to London, one does so mask free but the same flight leaving from Toronto or Montreal requires a face diaper until you step off the jet bridge onto His Majesty's soil.

Keep up the trenchant work!

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Thanks for this useful review

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Having been taught to critically evaluate scientific literature both in college as a biology major and in medical school as an M.D. student, these studies are as horrifically flawed as the study that got Vioxx outlawed. There are a multitude of prospective studies of masking from Europe that refute these extremely flawed results. It apparently means nothing that the current wave of COVID infections are in the vaccinated...at least, in the U.S.A.

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Thank you for this! I sent it to my school committee & superintendent--for them to cheerfully ignore as usual.

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At least they are cheerful about it! So many of our opponents and neighbors have turned into permanently dour buzzkills. They are akin to the sour-faced morality warriors among the New England Puritans who thought playing cards may as well have been an orgy with Satan.

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Great assessment. It's so easy to dismantle and dessimate these types of policies because they are never based on logic. It's all about fear. One thing I don't understand though: Why do they want to mask kids? What's in it for them?

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Brilliant synopsis :)

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Any chance Barbara Ferrer subscribes to your substack . . .?

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