Thanks for this brilliant piece.

Emily joined me for a discussion in the Messy Times studios. Check it out! https://youtu.be/2j0mEM9lN2w

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You have adeptly unpacked complex issues that belie the simplistic "blue" vs "red" false dichotomy and reframed it while humanizing it through a caregiver's (mother's) perspective as one of restoring liberalism in its classic sense, that respected if not encouraged divergent views, particularly those that ran contrary to the government orthodoxy. Hopefully it shines a light on the "Alice in Wonderland" upside down & backwards party positions that are at odds with how many came to understand their political persuasions and encourages them to turn the brain back on, there's lots of work to do, the Democrat you found safe harbour in before may now shock your conscience in terms of the liberties they'd like you to yield w/out question.

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The Burbio display of in-class instruction in 2020-2021 showed the West Coast as a "ghost coast": all three states were colored white because they ranked near the bottom. This was and is pretty well known; but the Plains states haven't received much credit for keeping their classrooms open that school year.

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Now is definitely a good time to get this information out. Don't let either side forget.

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Thank you Emily and Josh!!

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