Thank you for writing this. I live in a purple state, so it wasn't as bad, but I did lose my job over the mandates. In addition, my former employer refused to vest substantial deferred compensation. They certainly engaged in that propaganda campaign, insisting that vaccination was for the safety of other employers even after it was widely known that the vaccine did not prevent spread. I fight them now to get what was stolen from me: Severance, lost pay, deferred comp and, yes, pain and suffering damages. I fight because if I don't fight them, no one will. I have already seen too many walk away from the battle. I fight because I hope justice for me means justice for many. God gave me the courage for this battle! Pray for all of us fighting this battle. Pray especially for those who lost their livelihoods who did not have savings.

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Fight on, friend. Your battle may go a long way towards winning the war for many others!

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P.S. Have you seen the news of the woman fired by BCBS Michigan just won a $12M suit against them for wrongful termination? Best of luck to you!

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Well-told, friend.

I wish I could say my experience with The Great Hate was limited to the liberal elites in my former city of Evanston, Illinois (though a neighbor yelling "No mask? F*** you!!!" to my spouse & I as we walked past on the sidewalk is not something we encountered after we moved farther west).

Sadly, in my experience, many conservatives - including religious conservatives - are guilty as well. They haven't always been as direct as the covidian left, but the implication and effect of their words (spoken & unspoken) has been the same.

Don't get me started on "Love your neighbor, get vaccinated," which is a false gospel through & through (even if the vaccines were safe, effective, and stopped transmission). 🙄

Keep truth-telling, sister. I'm here for it.

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This could not have happened if 20% of registered Republicans had loudly opposed the policies.

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Exactly right.

Forget Republicans: couldn’t have happened if 20% of people in American cities had loudly opposed these policies.

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I have a heart condition, I couldn't wear a mask, too much strain on my heart. I couldn't get vaxxed because of a lifelong allergy to PEG. The mask and vax program was, supposedly, put in place to protect the most vulnerable who couldn't mask up or get vaxxed. But, what really happened was discrimination against the most vulnerable. I was refused services over and over again, by restaurants, doctors, dentists, grocers, banks, shops, taxis, etc. Nobody cared that I was disabled. I always asked those implementing policies of discrimination, "Weren't these policies implemented so that disabled people like me are protected? Aren't you wearing that mask to protect those of us that cannot? Aren't you vaccinated, to protect those of us who cannot get vaccinated? If not, what are we doing it all for?" They always just stared blankly and repeated, like parrots, "Sorry- it's company policy and I'm just doing my job."

This occurred not just to me, but to millions of disabled citizens. And it was government and mass media sanctioned. Shame on them all. May God have mercy on their souls.

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This posting is superb. For the past eight years or so I have lived in two places, Philadelphia and my original hometown of Houston. I have been in Houston full time since my father passed in November of '19, supervising my bed ridden mother's care here at her house. So all of the Covid debacle has been seen from Houston.

The contrast between the environment in Texas and that of Philadelphia is striking. My friends in the east were almost universal in their buy in of the narrative, with all of them being strong vaccine advocates, although fortunately none have treated me with open contempt. And apparently the Covid fear is still in the air up there, with some people even now going around masked. When I told two of my best friends in the summer of '21 that I was out and about, going to stores and restaurants here in Houston as early as June 2020, they laughingly told me I was crazy. They had, at that point, been out to a restaurant once. And they were somewhat exasperated that I did not plan to get the vaccination.

I have mostly been able to prevent family from getting the shots, with the exception of a niece and nephew who each received one shot since their college mandated it. I hope that they have been convinced not to get another one.

Again, great post, which I will consider passing around to those that won't take too much offense from it. (Of course, those who would take the greatest offense are the ones that would profit from reading it the most.)

Question: what is the 'PEC' ?

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I was delighted to have Emily as a guest on https://messytimes.show in November 2022:


Have a listen!

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Amen! Shared! Thank YOU! I left the medical field many years ago, I have endured much hate from many relatives (uninvited for Christmas gathering last year, to total end of communication with my Aunt, she is nurse, husband an ER doc and her whole family) because I absolutely knew this MRNA and DNA technology was dangerous and I convinced my husband (he is from Italy) and my adult children, and my second set of children who are young teens to NEVER GET THE "vaccine". I live in North San Diego county and the "unvaccinated" are a very small minority. The uptake in San Diego County was astonishing, I tried so hard to protect the friends of my teens ... in the end about 50% got the jab. I fought hard with school district when it came to the protocols in California for "testing" and masking.... I absolutely refused to have my children tested using PCR or any other method. I just held them out for the 11-14 days, because I refused to comply with mandatory PCR tests. My kids barely had 24 hrs. of symptoms back 2 years ago, and now their strong natural immunity (we are all very strong immune because we are farmers/ranchers and raise organic) has protected them from getting any serious symptoms... never fever. Our school district thanks to the high vaccine rate uptake is now experiencing exactly what Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche told us would happen.... soooo many kids out sick. My kids are fine. I am Gen X and seeing the over reaction by the brain washed general public over mild illness, and even decent Flu symptoms... is ridiculous, its like getting a minor cold now is somehow a public emergency! Insanity has taken over in California for sure. Thanks for this post! MUCH needed!

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As a pureblood my challenge used to be channelling a "f*** off" attitude to the coercion monster whether it manifested as family members or my shyte government, my employer or my friends. That was very successful.

Now my challenge is to contain my feelings of superiority.

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There was a time when, as you described, people looked at me with disgust or hate as I told them that I was unvaccinated, now they look at me with envy.

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Check out the discussion Emily and I had in November 2022: https://youtu.be/2j0mEM9lN2w

Also, I've got to say, your experience seems rare. Most of the idiots who bought the lies cannot bring themselves to admit they were suckered by a pack of liars and frauds who distorted reality and ruined people's lives for no reason at all.

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I appreciate the honesty you've evinced here. I have to admit, though, I'm sorry you got the jab. Obviously, it was your decision (and truly is none of my business...) Somehow, I can't help feeling, however, that it's a shame.

Not that any of us know how it'll affect people long-term. Each human body is different. It could well be that a great many of those (of the five billion?) who took it will live long, long lives.

I also believe, despite what Dr. Dolores Cahill has said, that there are always remedies. We haven't even begun to hear about the different ways those who took the shots will be able to detox from it.

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Do you know if any unions were given money, such as AGMA Musical Artist union? They still have mandates and refused medical and religious exemptions to members- with accommodation being unpaid leave. Their member orgs also mandated the vaccine to students with zero exemptions allowed. Students could not even apply!!! They were either duped big time or they were paid…

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Good work. There is a reason why the media were hung at Nurenburg along with the doctors and guards. They were also key to whipping up hysteria during the Rwandan genocide. Have a look at my recent article on the Australian perspective: the vaccine contracts are the key to prosecution. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-vaccine-contracts-a-paper

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thank you. I had nothing quite so disgusting but I did decide a few of my "friends" were too stupid and easily duped to be a friend anymore. the good news is the karen's and lib's will likely die off in a few decades bec their reproductive performance is shot and they'll continue to boost. read a swedish piece yesterday (Dr. Paul Alexander) that the world is nearly a weekly(!) booster phase.

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Outstanding article, I experienced things exactly as you did. Thanks for writing this.

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I get so angry at how people have been treated. And when I can look at the layers it’s really heartbreak and grief at the core. I don’t know how to move forward given the silence. No one is taking responsibility, no one is genuinely apologizing. I no longer feel like I even want to be a member of my larger community. How do we start the reconciliation process when people still believe they were justified. It sickens me.

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The people that shamed, banned, ridiculed, and took away the livelihood, and educational opportunities of Americans (many colleges require the vax for admission still to this day) are CRIMINALS.

End of story.

They should be treated as such.

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It's just gobsmacking the amount of money and effort that went/is going into this. Posting this link wherever I can re an oncologist in Australia and her view of unvaxxed. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/13/my-bile-rises-as-im-asked-to-move-my-dying-cancer-patient-out-of-icu-to-make-room-for-an-unvaccinated-man-with-covid

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Holy sh*t. Thanks for posting this. I write a substack about the Australian response to covid. My post recent article is about prosecution. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-vaccine-contracts-a-paper

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Papers please.....

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