Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022Liked by Emily Burns

Agreed on all points. Thank you for your charitable summary of the pro-life position. The woman who is pro-choice on abortion, vaccines, and masks was never the problem during the height of the covid crazy. It was the women who are pro-choice on abortion but were (are?) pro-mandate on *public health* mandates. Though a smaller contingency, in my area of suburbia, we also had women who are pro-life on abortion but were silent on covid mandates.

I wrote about Emily Oster's anemic faux-pology today too, but one point I didn't emphasize is that she is not at all sorry for the spirit of the positions she took. For example, she advocated vaccine passports at sporting events. The only reason she doesn't push them now is because she finally had to acknowledge the shot doesn’t stop transmission. Given a vaccine that was 100% effective in stopping transmission, she'd have no problem with medical apartheid.

In other words, Emily Oster is sorry she was wrong about Covid, but misses that she was wrong PERIOD.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Emily Burns

Great piece. Oster has penned the straw that should break the remaining camels’ backs. The rage generated by this article is real heartfelt rage - not the lefty virtue-signaling pseudo rage. Lest anyone still doubted where these people stand, here you have it. They will stop at nothing. They are incapable of introspection, of accepting culpability. They will just move on to the next excuse to uncork more authoritarian control. They must be banished from all positions of authority.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Emily Burns

I have never understood, or to be honest, respected, the one-issue voter. And I have rarely voted for a Republican. But this Nov 8 I will be a one issue voter. That issue: Vote the Democrats out of office.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022Liked by Emily Burns

Nice articulation of your journey- well written and enjoyable to read.

Those of us who have always felt this way - and gently said- warned 'you' of the dangers of the authoritarian leftist for years before the 'reset' welcome you. We will NOT always agree on everything- but we can ALWAYS agree on the F word as you put it so pithily- the centralized state run by 'expert' is the natural enemy of the free citizen and their interactions with others of like mind by CHOICE and common interest.

The founders of this country knew this, many of us knew this and have for years been trying to reach you. We are happy to see you -while exceedingly saddened at the cost we all paid- arrive at the awakening that is happening seemingly everywhere as you so articulately demonstrate herein.

Welcome back to the free thinking AMERICAN citizenship that is your birthright, and the reclamation of everything that means back to your own hands, free of rule by authoritarians and their minions that operate the dictatorial 'rule by "expert"' that is embodied by the democrat (and weak republican fakes) automatons.

Do not allow them to take it from you ever again. We must agree to band together to limit the F word as it is far far afield from where it is allowed to be, and work to find agreement where we disagree.

Happy Holidays to you and yours.

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Absolutely brilliant. I'm a 50 year old australian male married parent of 2 kids and all your points are perfectly articulated. I have a new f word too. Local and decentralised is the only way back to any sort of trust in my community and it starts with outing the bullshit which, my friend you just did perfectly. Bravo.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by Emily Burns

"I have come to believe that the horror of abortion that characterizes conservative politics does honestly come from reverence for creation, and a deep-seated respect for individuals and the families that nourish them. I have no doubt that these things are at the heart of why more conservative states were more likely to keep school open. They value their children.

The narrative that conservatives seek to limit access to abortion in order to keep women down is a just that—a story. In order to prop it up, fetuses had to be literally dehumanized, and the narrative bolstered with overtly anti-natal supporting philosophies, philosophies which, in their anti-natalism rob life of most of its meaning for most people. For women, this anti-natalism is expressly anti-mother, hence, anti-feminine, transforming motherhood—one of the few truly transcendent human experiences—into a dupe’s prison."

Thank you for this. We can disagree on when 'life' begins, but for me and for everyone else I know my belief in life at conception has never had anything to do with 'keeping women down'. While in a perfect world every child would be received into a loving family, I realize that we'll have to compromise on when abortion is appropriate.

But it helps move the conversation forward when one side isn't being called baby killers and the other side isn't being compared to the Handmaiden's Tale.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Emily Burns

Absolutely brilliant piece Emily. I wish I were half as articulate as you. ❤️

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Emily Burns

Personal story here. I lost my granddaughter two years ago - not to COVID, but to the panic reaction to COVID. She died alone, the result of several mistakes by the hospital - which may have been prevented except that we were not allowed to be with her when it mattered. Those of you who have ever been through this know that MANY mistakes have been prevented because someone who is visiting catches it and schools the nurse or attendant. Didn't happen here.

So No, I'm not in a forgiving mood. It's more like a keen sense of loss, with a heavy dash of cold rage. And yes, I'm going to respond in the only civilized way I can - by voting ALL of them OUT.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Emily Burns

The Democratic Party has optimized the destruction of the poor but especially poor blacks. They did this by pushing abortions, abysmal public schools, pampered teachers unions, defund the police, nearly no arrests or prosecutions of urban violence, and a disingenuous media.

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Now here we have a precision rhetorical missile strike: Two thumbs up. I would just add that people who really care about “ our democracy” should be demanding accountability for the mistakes, malpractice and mendacity of the pandemic crisis, not pleading for forgiveness. If there’s no democratic accountability, there’s no democratic government. That’s the bottom line.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022Liked by Emily Burns

Great essay. As a Brit, one of things which fascinated me was the wilful blindness of politicians across the West and beyond. The forget the political axiom that it matters less about what the majority thinks on a specific issue, and far more HOW MUCH they care. Generally, the apathetic middle have undertaken a collective amnesia, even though the 'science' now shows that the institutions were wrong on any number of issues- from masks to school closures, from vaccinations for the healthy under 30s to lockdowns themselves.

But consider this- once firmly entrenched in the Democrat camp are a significant number of Black Americans who were the most vehemently opposed to vaccines and refused them, despite the restrictions to liberty and work which this entailed- and many in this group will likely switch party or stay home because of this specific issue. The Latino community was one of the worst hit by lockdowns, with their constituency consisting of a solid blue collar base and a thriving small business community. Many will have family members or close friends who lost businesses or whose businesses were permanently harmed.

Worst hit were the kids. An early study on childhood development shows that younger children lost the equivalent of 22 points worth of developmental IQ, and nobody knows just how much of this is permanent, because some windows in development are finite- potential, once lost, can be lost forever. So whilst those who were for the restrictions and violations of personal autonomy have become forgetful of past tyrannies imposed, harms inflicted, those who were victims of the COVID regimes will have far longer memories. They will not forget. They will not forgive.

Besides, most of the support for abortion entails the hypothetical protection of the rights of other women. Most women who support abortion support access for the less fortunate, but would not willingly choose it for themselves. Those of us who are all too familiar with the Culture War often forget the basic concerns of ordinary people- on the ground reporting from the Youngkin victory shows, regardless of what the likes of MSNBC might try to convince you, the average parent was less aware and cared less about CRT or gender ideology than the pundit class would have you believe, but were deeply concerned about the harms inflicted on their own children by school closures and mask wearing.

Again, great essay.

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the covid apologists can go get fucked.

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Excellent summary of exactly how I feel. Even your description of being pro-life. I used to be more pro-choice, but while I still believe there needs to be some allowance for abortion, I am appalled at the disregard for human life among liberals and progressives. With respect to covid, I will not forget or forgive as long as the same people are in power with no consequences and even still threatening to impose restrictions and mandates.

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Emily Oster understands that far-left COVID policy is aging poorly, so she's proposing a typical form of left-wing truce: one-sided.

She should not merely be laughed at. Her article should be treated as yet another grievous sin.

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I was a vaccine safety advocate for several years. I stopped sometime last year, realizing that it was too late to save anyone. People had already made their choices. I finally withdrew into my house in the forest and retreated into activities aimed at self-preservation. Within this article, you put words to many of my feelings, and boy does it feel good to read it all laid out like Thanksgiving dinner. Thank you.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Emily Burns

Hi Emily, from a fellow Brownstone author. This is a very powerful piece that speaks to me. I'm also a refugee from the left and although a man, have faced many of the same issues as you write about here. The left was my political home for so long but it is unrecognizable now: I have been cancelled, despised, othered, told to "go fuck myself," threatened and even called in at work TWO YEARS into the pandemic for "not wearing my mask correctly." This was partly in retaliation for opposing an effort by the far-left at my workplace to force us to wear or pronouns on our nametags and in our signatures and for my opposition to a vaccine mandate there.

There are parts of the left who will destroy and censor at all opportunities. They are dangerous, and I cannot forgive them for destroying my old political home and for what they have done to my family and my country.

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