A recently released study investigating the efficacy of masks at filtering aerosols in the 0.2 - 1 micron range, suggests answers to the disconnect between the results of mechanistic studies and RCTs.
This from Emily is a lot to go through. One of my base attitudes about mask ineffectiveness is, Why is it that in the early 2020s an unusually high number of people globally died from respiratory illnesses, just when wearing a mask became widespread and mandated in most countries?
If masks are effective, wearing them should have decreased virus transmission enough to cause a reduction in covid deaths. Instead, deaths went much higher after wearing them was mandated. When mask wearing became unusual, covid deaths decreased.
A comparison of face mask and respirator filtration test methods
Samy Rengasamy,a Ronald Shaffer,a Brandon Williams,b and Sarah Smitb
"filtration efficiencies of “N95 FFRs” including six N95 FFR models and three surgical N95 FFR models, and three SM models were measured using the NIOSH NaCl aerosol test method, and FDA required particulate filtration efficiency (PFE) and bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) methods, and viral filtration efficiency (VFE) method"
"Results showed that the efficiencies measured by the NIOSH NaCl method for “N95 FFRs” were from 98.15–99.68% compared to 99.74–99.99% for PFE, 99.62–99.9% for BFE, and 99.8–99.9% for VFE methods."
2) the real time mask testing on a real person truth. he puts the mask on ,simply adjusts and tests
"Aaron Collins real time mask testing videos on you tube allow those who chose to see the Truth to see Aaron Collins put on a N95 "real category" mask and watch the reduction of total infiltration, through and around the mask,in the range above 99.5% of the inhalation of single sars-cov2 virus size salt test particles a average of ~64 nanometers in diameter and in the mix of particles those 10 times smaller the and twice larger. from wickedpedia "Each SARS-CoV-2 virion is 60–140 nanometres (2.4×10−6–5.5×10−6 in) in diameter;"
3) the real world British hospital system truth showing the effectiveness of real FFP3 masks, worn by real people, in an environment with real cov2 virus.
"Study author Chris Illingworth from the MRC Biostatistics Unit at the University of Cambridge, said, “Before the face masks were upgraded, the majority of infections among healthcare workers on the covid-19 wards were likely because of direct exposure to patients with covid-19. Once FFP3 respirators were introduced, the number of cases attributed to exposure on covid-19 wards dropped dramatically—in fact, our model suggests that FFP3 respirators may have cut ward based infection to zero.”
Please note; " FFP3 respirators may have cut ward based infection to zero.”
"Taken together, these results suggest that the majority of cases among HCWs on green wards were caused by community-acquired infection, whereas cases among HCWs on red wards were caused by both community-acquired infection and direct, ward-based infection from patients with COVID-19, effectively mitigated by the use of FFP3 respirators."
Please note; " effectively mitigated by the use of FFP3 respirators."
also note; these FFP3 are "REAL" respirator grade masks and NOT low grade "bogus" masks. FFP3 is a european standard, it is in the N95 and better category of "real" respirator grade masks.
imo BASIC PREVENTION with early treatment backup can stop pandemics within a willing, informed population - boiled water, salt, baking soda, povidone-iodine solution 10%, Johnson's regular baby shampoo, xylitol, etc. nasal spray bottles and a NeilMed 8 oz nasal flush bottle,a nebuizer, eyeglasses best with some side shielding, 3M N95's.
Before entry into infectious "shared air" - home mixed antiviral sprays First 12% xylitol in plain filtered boiled water sprayed into nose and mouth to saturation and need to blow your nose, them 0.5% povidone-iodine in normal alkalized saline - a few sprays into nose and mouth, inhaling deeply, and a few sprays on to open eyes, then eyeglasses and N95. When back home - depending on perceived level of exposure - 1% regular Johnson's baby shampoo in normal alkalized saline for eye wash, mouth wash and nasal flush, then nebulize a few mL of regular vodka and a few more home mixed antiviral sprays - depending on perceived level of exposure.
This from Emily is a lot to go through. One of my base attitudes about mask ineffectiveness is, Why is it that in the early 2020s an unusually high number of people globally died from respiratory illnesses, just when wearing a mask became widespread and mandated in most countries?
If masks are effective, wearing them should have decreased virus transmission enough to cause a reduction in covid deaths. Instead, deaths went much higher after wearing them was mandated. When mask wearing became unusual, covid deaths decreased.
because they were vaccinated, and hospital protocols. that's why the yuge death spike.
Always thought masks were worthless, now I know why....thanks, long but comprehensive
Dick Minnis removingthecataract.substack.com
1) "scientific" N95 Truth
A comparison of face mask and respirator filtration test methods
Samy Rengasamy,a Ronald Shaffer,a Brandon Williams,b and Sarah Smitb
"filtration efficiencies of “N95 FFRs” including six N95 FFR models and three surgical N95 FFR models, and three SM models were measured using the NIOSH NaCl aerosol test method, and FDA required particulate filtration efficiency (PFE) and bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) methods, and viral filtration efficiency (VFE) method"
"Results showed that the efficiencies measured by the NIOSH NaCl method for “N95 FFRs” were from 98.15–99.68% compared to 99.74–99.99% for PFE, 99.62–99.9% for BFE, and 99.8–99.9% for VFE methods."
Please note; "99.8–99.9% for VFE" " viral filtration efficiency (VFE) method"
2) the real time mask testing on a real person truth. he puts the mask on ,simply adjusts and tests
"Aaron Collins real time mask testing videos on you tube allow those who chose to see the Truth to see Aaron Collins put on a N95 "real category" mask and watch the reduction of total infiltration, through and around the mask,in the range above 99.5% of the inhalation of single sars-cov2 virus size salt test particles a average of ~64 nanometers in diameter and in the mix of particles those 10 times smaller the and twice larger. from wickedpedia "Each SARS-CoV-2 virion is 60–140 nanometres (2.4×10−6–5.5×10−6 in) in diameter;"
for instance - on a mask I bought at home depot. test # 644 8/8/22 3M 9205+ Aura[Lot A220769] N95, Boat, As Worn, White, Headband, 21,820 particles per cc outside the mask at the start of the test 21,720 particles per cc outside the mask at the end of the test, 70 particles per cc inside the mask for a 99.68% reduction. Or the 3M 8210+ with a 99.80% total infiltration reduction. Aaron Collins youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@coll0412 Data can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M0mdNLpTWEGcluK6hh5LjjcFixwmOG853Ff45d3O-L0/edit?gid=1976839763#gid=1976839763
3) the real world British hospital system truth showing the effectiveness of real FFP3 masks, worn by real people, in an environment with real cov2 virus.
Covid-19: Upgrading to FFP3 respirators cuts infection risk, research finds
BMJ 2021; 373 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n1663 (Published 29 June 2021) Cite this as: BMJ 2021;373:n1663
"Study author Chris Illingworth from the MRC Biostatistics Unit at the University of Cambridge, said, “Before the face masks were upgraded, the majority of infections among healthcare workers on the covid-19 wards were likely because of direct exposure to patients with covid-19. Once FFP3 respirators were introduced, the number of cases attributed to exposure on covid-19 wards dropped dramatically—in fact, our model suggests that FFP3 respirators may have cut ward based infection to zero.”
Please note; " FFP3 respirators may have cut ward based infection to zero.”
"Taken together, these results suggest that the majority of cases among HCWs on green wards were caused by community-acquired infection, whereas cases among HCWs on red wards were caused by both community-acquired infection and direct, ward-based infection from patients with COVID-19, effectively mitigated by the use of FFP3 respirators."
Please note; " effectively mitigated by the use of FFP3 respirators."
also note; these FFP3 are "REAL" respirator grade masks and NOT low grade "bogus" masks. FFP3 is a european standard, it is in the N95 and better category of "real" respirator grade masks.
also note: for more REAL TRUTH see here " COMMENTARY: Wear a respirator, not a cloth or surgical mask, to protect against respiratory viruses " at the u of m cidrap page https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/commentary-wear-respirator-not-cloth-or-surgical-mask-protect-against-respiratory-viruses
imo BASIC PREVENTION with early treatment backup can stop pandemics within a willing, informed population - boiled water, salt, baking soda, povidone-iodine solution 10%, Johnson's regular baby shampoo, xylitol, etc. nasal spray bottles and a NeilMed 8 oz nasal flush bottle,a nebuizer, eyeglasses best with some side shielding, 3M N95's.
Before entry into infectious "shared air" - home mixed antiviral sprays First 12% xylitol in plain filtered boiled water sprayed into nose and mouth to saturation and need to blow your nose, them 0.5% povidone-iodine in normal alkalized saline - a few sprays into nose and mouth, inhaling deeply, and a few sprays on to open eyes, then eyeglasses and N95. When back home - depending on perceived level of exposure - 1% regular Johnson's baby shampoo in normal alkalized saline for eye wash, mouth wash and nasal flush, then nebulize a few mL of regular vodka and a few more home mixed antiviral sprays - depending on perceived level of exposure.
Masking became a dogma and I've always believed it was because people are must vulnerable when ignorance is combined with fear.